Tuesday 29 May 2012


It is a common debate around the world whether or not smoking should be banned in the public place. There are many reasons that support the ban of smoking in public places; however, there are also reasons why a smoking ban should not be imposed in public places. This essay will explore both sides of the argument with factual evidence to support each point made.


Firstly, smoking in a public place should be banned because people who do not smoke are affected just as much as those who are smoking. This is due to second hand smoke, as the smoke emitted by a cigarette lingers in the air. Studies have shown that a single cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals, with at least 50 of them being known carcinogens (Johnson, 2012). Carcinogen is a chemical, which is known to be directly linked to cancer.

Secondly, smoking should be banned in public places, but specifically in and around schools, parks and other public areas where children are likely to be. This is because children are more at risk of being influenced by the actions of other people (Wakefield, 2000). This means that children are encouraged to smoke through the influence of smoking adults. If smoking is made illegal around these places, then it is likely that an influence upon children witnessing smoking decreases also. In doing so, this could possibly lead to a deterioration of children deciding to smoke in the future. 

Thirdly, another reason why smoking should be banned in public places is because of its litter factor. Research done at ‘ash.org’ confirmed that the cigarette butts found in parks, beaches and footpath’s contribute to a large amount of the total waste found in those areas (2003). So if a ban was imposed on people smoking in such places, than there will be a significant decrease of litter (particularly cigarette butts) in the environment, which also leads to an environmentally clean country. Not only does the ban of smoking in these public places lead to a cleaner environment, it also reduces the likelihood of children coming across the potential hazard whilst playing in the park.

Another reason why smoking should be banned in public places is because it is currently the leading cause of deaths in the United States of America. A large amount of research by “Centres of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)” has proven, and found that 1 in 5 deaths in the United States each year are in connection to cigarette smoking (2012). The researchers at CDC also concluded that the deaths caused by cigarette smoking outweigh all the deaths caused by HIV, drug use, alcohol, car accidents, suicides and murders combined (2012).

On the other hand, there are still reasons that support the argument to reject the ban on smoking in public places. One reason being that it can have a negative effect on certain establishments. For example, a major study showed that a ban on smoking in public places would decrease the amount of consumers going to certain bars and restaurants (Cornelsen & Normand, 2011). This is a major negative impact on the effected businesses as the new legislation stated that every bar and restaurant must have a separate smoke room with proper ventilation systems in order to cater the smoker customer. This is discouraging for the minor establishments as they may not be able to afford to construct a new smoke room. This also means that they are forced to become a smoke free establishment; and due to this cause, a decrease in the amount of customers would occur because of the lack of being able to allow smoking customers. 

In Conclusion..

In conclusion, after considering both sides of the argument (“Should smoking be banned in public places?”) it is safe to say that the reasons supporting the smoke-free ban outweigh the opposing arguments. Although bars and restaurants will lose out on potential customers, the positive impact the ban will have on people are more significant. In other words, having a smoke-free ban is far more beneficial to society than if there was no ban imposed.


Action on smoking and health. (1967). from http://ash.org/outdoors.pdf

Cornelsen, L., & Normand, C. (2011). Health Economics (Vol. 21). Dublin: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/doi/10.1002/hec.1728/full

Johnson, L. (2012). Stop smoking programs. Retrieved April 29th 2012, from http://www.stop-smoking-programs.org/chemicals-in-cigarettes.html

Health effects of cigarette smoking. (2012). Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 29th 2012, from http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/

Wakefield, M. A. (2000). Effect of restrictions on smoking at home, at school, and in public places on teenage smoking: cross sectional study. Retrieved April 29th 2012, from http://www.bmj.com/content/321/7257/333

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Post 5


The negative aspect of banning smoking in public places is that this will deter smokers from going to certain establishments. For example, research has shown that there is a negative impact upon bars and restaurants as this will stop consumers (smokers) from going to such places.

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Point 4


Smoking is the one of the leading killers in the United States. It is estimated that 1 of every 5 deaths are directly caused from smoking. There are more fatalities caused by smoking alone, than from all deaths caused by HIV, drug use, suicide, and murders combined

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Sunday 29 April 2012

Point 3


Cigarette butts are found on public beaches, parks, playgrounds and sidewalks and contribute a large amount to the total litter found in such places. Therefore, if these public places had a smoking ban appointed to them, then it would significantly decrease the amount of litter found in these places.

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